Haiti is a country still recovering from the aftermath of the disastrous 2010 earthquakes. The St. Trinity musical complex in Port-au-Prince was destroyed during the quake and the historic St. Trinity Cathedral was very heavily damaged. Very sadly, several members of the school’s boy choir died as a result of the quake. Haiti is also home to the Dassaix-Baptiste school in Jacmel and CEMUCHCA in Cap-Haitien. These three schools along with a handful of others around the country are striving to improve the lives of their community members by engaging them in music education. In a country with very high unemployment rates, music education is a productive activity that can instill values and skill sets in youth that they can apply to their lives.
MusAid Support
In March 2011, MusAid travelled to Haiti to survey schools across in order to determine the specific needs of the institutions. During the scouting trip and in May 2012, MusAid distributed instruments, strings and other musical accessories to CEMUCHCA in Cap-Haitien, Dessaix-Baptiste, Music School in Jacmel and Holy St. Trinity in Port-au-Prince.
To get involved or make a contribution to music schools in Haiti, please visit BLUME Haiti.